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Grown in Ontario - NEW 2025 CATALOGUE IS NOW ON-LINE

Hemerocallis 'Bellla Lugosi'

Hemerocallis 'Bellla Lugosi'

Zone 3 - 9

Touted as one of the best purple coloured daylilies. Tetraploid. Rebloomer. Produces large (6"), true deep purple blooms with a lime green throat. Robust plant. Multi-branched with lots of buds.

HEIGHT: 75-80 cm SPREAD: 50-60 cm

Image Courtesy of Walters Gardens Inc

1 gallon container size

Daylilies (Hemerocallis) - General Information

Daylilies are an extremely hardy and easy-to-grow group of perennials. They are exceptionally tough, durable, low maintenance plants and virtually pest and disease free. It is hard to imagine a plant better suited to the busy gardener -- and they can be grown throughout much of Canada. Here is a great perennial suited to the variable and cold, Canadian climate.

Daylilies or Hemerocallis as they are more properly called, are true perennials forming large clumps of narrow, lance-like foliage. Their blooms are held on very stiff, sometimes branching stems, well above this fountain of leaves.

Daylilies increase from year to year by tuberous roots. They are effective in borders, as specimen plants, used for naturalizing or even as groundcover. Daylilies demand little attention and thrive almost anywhere although they are happiest in full sun to part shade in good fertile soil.

Tetraploid varieties have more than the normal complement of chromosomes and generally offer stronger growth and more diversity in bloom size, shape and colour.

Most Daylilies bloom around mid-to-late summer, however some varieties bloom all summer or will rebloom if deadheaded regularly. This information is indicated, as it applies to each variety.

Colour of blooms. Colour of blooms will vary depending on the soil and the amount of sunlight.

Price: (1 to 2) $18.50

Price: (3 or more ) $17.95

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