Coral Bells
Zone 4 - 9
Another very showy introduction from Terra Nova Nurseries. Leaves emerge a bright red, deepening throughout the summer and finally turning an intense maroon-red colour in Autumn. Small white flowers rise 20cm above the foliage and are held on contrasting dark red stems. Long flowering from June to September. HEIGHT: 20-25 cm SPREAD: 30-40 cm
General Information
Generally Coral Bells are very easy to grow provided they have reasonably fertile, well-drained soil. These are low maintenance perennials, free from pests and disease, that virtually always look very neat and tidy. Most varieties will begin to lose some of their vigour after 3-4 years and will need to be divided. Tiny, coral bell blooms are very attractive to hummingbirds and they also make a good cut flower. A great perennial for the beginner and the collector.
Image Courtesy of Terra Nova Nurseries
1 gallon size