Bloomstruck Hydrangea
Zone 4 - 9
The newest addition to the Endless Summer collection. This reblooming shrub has vivid, deep rose to violet-blue flowers depending on the soil's acid levels. Large ball-shaped flowers are produced on old and new wood all summer long. In addition this highly ornamental shrub has red-purple stems and dark green leaves with red petioles and red veins. Definitely a WOW plant. Excellent compact, mounding shape. Easily grown in part-shade and moist, well-drained soil. Do not prune. Remove dead or damaged wood in the spring. HEIGHT: 100-125 cm SPREAD: 100-125 cm
All hydrangea flowers do undergo some colour changes as they age. Also soil pH can change the flower colour of some cultivars.
2 gallon container size
Image courtesy of Endless Summer