Super Blue Lavander
Zone 5 - 9
Compact, bushy plant with masses of short, rich blue flower spikes which are much more densly spaced than older varieties. This creates a much greater colour impact. Flowers from late spring until late summer. Very fragrant. HEIGHT: 25-30 cm SPREAD: 25-30 cm
General Information
Lavander is a very fragrant, old-fashioned perennial, with masses of showy flower spikes and attractive grey-green foliage. A very lovely plant for the rock garden or border. It's dried flowers are used to fill sachets, make lavender water and provide scented ornaments for the home. Performs best in dryish, light soils in a sunny location. A plant much loved by bees, butterflies and hummingbirds. Blooms for a good part of the summer. In colder climates Lavender can be grown indoors in pots, in a sunny window.
1 gallon size container size
Image courtesy of Ball Seeds