Spotted Bee Balm
Zone 3
A unique native perennial producing showy tiered and bracted flowers ranging in coloour from pale to medium pink with purple spots. Hairy, lance-shaped foliage has an oregano scent when crushed. Flowers in mid-summer. Best grown in full sun and dry, well-drained (even sandy) soil. Very tolerant of heat and drought once established. HEIGHT: 40-60 cm SPREAD: 20-30 cm
Jewel of the mid-summer garden. Large heads of tubular flowers atop upright stems. Blooms for weeks and weeks mid-to-late summer. Always alive with bees and butterflies and frequently visited by hummingbirds. Bee Balm is wonderfully aromatic and its leaves and flowers can be used to make tea. Very easily grown in sun to partial shade in average soil. Deep watering and good air circulation are important to preventing mildew in these plants.
1 litre container size
Image courtesy of Jelitto Seeds