Garden Peony
Zone 3 - 9
A classic and favourite for decades. Very full and fluffy, double, clear pink blooms. Fragrant. HEIGHT: 90-100 cm SPREAD: 60-80 cm
General Information: Very popular and well-known perennial, grown for its always showy, sometimes fragrant flowers. Heights vary from variety to variety but most are 60-90 cm tall and will quickly form a large clump. Long-lived, very hardy, preferring full sun or partial shade and well-drained, fertile soil. Best staked with hoops in early spring as the heavy blooms will be quickly dashed and ruined in a heavy wind or rain. Single varieties are lighter and may do well with less support. Do not plant your Peony too low as this will discourage flowering. A little bit of the plant's hard, tuberous root should be exposed above the soil. Superb cut flower. Most varieties bloom early -to-mid summer.
Image courtesy of NVK Holdings