Neon Stonecrop
Zone 3 - 9
Produces huge brocolli-like heads of dayglow pink flowers with light green foliage. Flowers will become bronze red as the season progresses. Eye-popping colour. Excellent upright, bushy form. HEIGHT: 50-60 cm SPREAD: 50-60 cm
General Information
Sedums are an easy answer to our continuing summer droughts and water shortages. These fleshy, succulent plants are excellent for hot, dry areas. In addition many varieties provide three --- even four -- season interest.
Sedum are easy to grow in a sunny, well-drained site. They are free of insects and diseases and perform best when not fertilized. Virtually all Sedum will attract butterflies and many are also attractive to hummingbirds.
ALSO SEE GROUNDCOVERS for more creeping varieties.
1 gallon container size
Image Courtesy of NVK Holdings