Creeping Speedwell
Zn 4 - 9
This newer prostrate Veronica is an improvement over many creeping speedwells. It quickly forms a thick mat of small, oak-like leaves which are medium green flushed with silver-blue. The ground-hugging plant is smothered with bright, medium-to-deep, violet-blue flowers from early to late spring. Once flowering is complete shear back the spent blooms and you will have a lovely carpet of ornamental foliage. Best grown in full sun to light shade. Once established it is very drought tolerant and will accept some light foot traffic. Perfect plant for pathways, around flagstone or as groundcover. Lovely in the rock garden, edging your border or even cascading out of a container. This is a very versatile, fast growing perennial. HEIGHT: 5-10 cm SPREAD: 45-55 cm
Image Courtesy of NVK Holdings
New 18 cm container size